Finnish genetics / older posts
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lauantai 28. joulukuuta 2019
Some ancestral changes in Iron Age Estonia
QpAdm was designed to detect admixtures giving also probability and standard error statistics. Two kind of parameters are inputted: admixtu...
keskiviikko 11. joulukuuta 2019
New "Viking sword find" in North Estonia turned out to be of local origin?
I read about this find a month ago and my first thought was that yes, has to be Finnish. Why? Just because Finland is the nearest place whe...
lauantai 7. joulukuuta 2019
Increasing western influence in Iron Age Estonia
Despite of premature rumors of eastern influence in Iron Age Estonia the change in the beginning of the Iron Age came from the west. Saag ...
sunnuntai 17. marraskuuta 2019
Mitochondrial lineages in Iron Age Fennoscandinavia, comments
The distribution between lines U and H in Finland has been a point of discussion now. Many thinkers have underlined that in a big view H is...
lauantai 16. marraskuuta 2019
Mitochondrial lineages in Iron Age Fennoscandinavia
A new study has been published, Human mitochondrial DNA lineages in Iron-Age Fennoscandia suggest incipient admixture and eastern introduct...
4 kommenttia:
keskiviikko 6. marraskuuta 2019
Challenge youself, things aren't always piece of cake
Behind most studies and also behind yDna haplotree nomenclatures is a lot of brain work. Just reading and picking scientific vocabulary doe...
sunnuntai 3. marraskuuta 2019
Thoughts about the origin of Finnish and Estonian languages
This is probably not a popular writing, but I am not a politician and I don't need to please anyone. Here is the issue: why the yDna d...
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