lauantai 16. marraskuuta 2019

Mitochondrial lineages in Iron Age Fennoscandinavia

A new study has been published, Human mitochondrial DNA lineages in Iron-Age Fennoscandia suggest incipient admixture and eastern introduction of farming-related maternal ancestry .  It includes several new samples from Iron Age Finland and also historical Finnish samples for a comparison purpose.   Some of these mitochondrial samples are far too rare to reveal statistically anything, some are too common.   Best we can do is to try to find results implying something regional and I try to find them and compare them to present-day samples gathered from FamilyTreeDna's projects.   Unfortunately those projects are biased to West Europe due to the testing activity, yet we can see distribution patterns inside Fennoscandinavia, because Finland is one of the best tested country.   I am not going to make conclusions, because I don't see any sense to try to connect only 1000 years old Finnish samples to any European wide prehistoric events, I just show results.  When I have more time I will gather more results, if it sounds reasonable in a Fennoscandinavian regional context. You can do your comparisons and send here as comments.   Image cropping follows the distribution, nothing exists outside images.

Levänluhta2 JK1963 U5b1b1a1

Levänluhta5 JK1966 U5b1b1a1a

Levänluhta8 JK1969 U5b1b1a1b

Levänluhta11 JK2066 U5b2a5(a)

Hollola8 TU662 U4b1b1

Luistari1 TU464 U4b1b1a

Hollola14 TU670 U4b1b1b

Hollola6 TU660 U4d1a1a

Hollola10 TU664 U4a2

Hollola15 TU672  V7a
Tuukkala7 TU643 V7a1

Tuukkala10 TU646 H1a7
Hiitola11 TU676 H1a7

Hiitola8 TU570 H1b2

Hiitola1 TU504 H1a8a
Tuukkala5 TU633 H1a8a 

Hiitola4 TU564 H2a2a1b

Tuukkala6 TU641 H11a1

4 kommenttia:

  1. I made a little program searching haplotypes from the Ancient Human Dna map available online. Luistari sample Luistari1 TU464 (U4b1b1a) and Hollola8 TU662 (U4b1b1) have following ancestral or parallel U4b1b1 finds:

    I5870 I2a2 Ukraine Dnipro Mariupol(?) 5700-4800 BCE
    I4880 I2a2a1b2 Serbia 7100-5900 BCE
    I4881 I2a2a1b2 Serbia 7100-5900 BCE
    I4882 I2a2a1b Serbia 7100-5900 BCE
    STT-A2 R1b1a1a2a1a2c1 Iceland 870–1000 CE

    If I have to bet, I would place my bet on this Icelandic sample and suggest that he had same ancestral line with Luistari and Hollola samples and other ancient Scandinavian parallels are only waiting for detection. Will go on with other samples as soon as I have idle time.

  2. Luistari5 TU473 U2e2a1a corresponds Estonia Late Bronze Age stone-cist graves, 1280–810 BC V14 U2e2a1 R1a1’2

    Several U2e2 Sarmatian and Scythian samples too.

  3. H1b is a common haplogroup, yet several geographically close ancient samples could mean common local ancestry

    Luistari10 TU622 1 0,01 H1b
    Hiitola8 TU570 1 0,01 H1b2

    Notice especially Hiitola and Estonian H1b2 samples, although also Luistari TU622 could be H1b2 as well. All Luistari samples are of poor quality narrowing down the result.

    kls001 H1b1 R1 (R-M173) Medieval Sweden Sigtuna, 900-1200 AD

    6DRIF-18 H1bs R1b1a2a1a-L52/L11 Roman Iron Age Britain

    Kivutkalns207 H1b2 Latvia/Livonia Late Bronze Age, 800-200 BC

    V16 H1b2 R1a1’2 another Estonia Late Bronze Age stone-cist graves, 930–390 BC (note stone-cist V14)

    X14 H1b2 R1a1c, third Estonian stone-cist burial Late Bronze Age stone-cist graves, 780–430 BC

  4. Teetin FamilytreeDNA mtFull äitilinjan testin ja sain Haploryhmäksi H1a8a, Testattu äitilinja on asunut Koivistolla Viipurinläänissä ainakin vuodesta n 1680 vuoteen 1944. Osuma näyttää olevan myös kuvassa, jossa on Hiitola 1 Tu 504 H1a8a ja Tuukkala 5 Tu633 H1a8a. Olen alottelija Dna sukututkimisessa. Onko olemassa yhteys kuvanne ja minun äitilinjani välillä? Käytän sähköpostia Toivon ilmoitusta, että viestini on huomattu. Terveisin Martti Kurki Helsinki Finland.
