keskiviikko 6. marraskuuta 2019

Challenge youself, things aren't always piece of cake

Behind most studies and also behind yDna haplotree nomenclatures is a lot of brain work.  Just reading and picking scientific vocabulary doesn't make you an expert, you have to experience things.  See differences and similarities, question your own thoughts more than thoughts of other people and question enough to reach consistent structures. These comments are not addressed to anyone particularly, but something I have seen has to be commented.

I promised to go on with my yDna tests and add also "negative calls", i.e. ancestral SNPs.  I have retested Stora Förvar 11, a sample from Gotland dated 7300-6800 BC and detected by me and another blogger as I1 . Before new results some background.  If we look at the ISOGG 2019 nomenclature we see a significant difference between branches I1 and I2.  There are 205 found positive calls under the classification I1, but only 22 under I2.  I counted now only calls under titles I1 and I2, not any downstream mutations.  This means that the time span in case of the title I1 is bigger and it also means that there is a lot of unknown history behind the I1 story.  So when we say "it is only a title I1" we actually should say "it is I1 and many still unknown downstream mutations", almost 10 times more time and unknown downstream mutations than in case of I2.  We don't know much about the prehistory of I1 until we have dated information of its "positive calls".

There were "positive calls" / derived values for Stora Forvar 11:

FGC2433 I1
CTS1748 I1
Z2749 I1
CTS6221^ I1
Z2802^ I1
CTS6629 I1
Z2805 I1
YSC0000301 I1
Z2882 I1
Z2726 I1
Z2731 I1

and there are "negative calls" / ancestral values:

CTS3268 I1
Z2762 I1
L121 I1
S62 I1
CTS9258 I1
Z2825 I1
L509 I1
Z2864 I1
FGC2425 I1
Z2714 I1

We can say that Stora Förvar 11 belongs to the I1 branch and if we could infer the age he could be located around to the middle of the time span of the title level of I1 (11 derived and  10 ancestral SNPs).  All ISOGG locations above I1 in I branch were derived and all below I1 were ancestral.

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