I made this PCA-map by using distribution numbers from Eupedia. A small modification was made and Finnish
numbers were replaced by the Finnish east-west distribution from the study
Lappalainen et al.
Ydna, of course, represents only a small part of the genome. It however moves
forward the genetic inheritance without recombination. Recombination is typical for autosomal genes,
so the yDna is also free of similar genetic drift. A strong yDna-polarization can’t be completely ignored in estimating the overall
homogeneity of populations because it has a connection
with the autosomal inheritance through individuals. For example 100 % of men in a population
belonging to the same branch of certain haplogroup can have a strong parallel effect
on the autosomal side of the genome. In this context don't get confused by terms homogeneity, admix shown by admix-analyses and opposite terms heterozygosity/homozygosity.
We obviously can’t claim that the diversity in yDna means always diversity in auDna, neither claim that homogeneous yDna
leads to homogeneous autosomal genes per se, but looking at the history and
genetic studies we see certainly the connection between yDna and auDna. This makes the yDna certainly helpful in estimating populational
structures. Keeping in mind, however, that
when analyses lead to interpretations of history, we should also know something
about the history of yDna groups before making conclusions to avoid making
circular arguments in evaluating the history. Be careful.
Nevertheless, a strong correlation between yDna and auDna is obvious in this
small analysis. I could put comparable autosomal analyses here. Basque, Irish, and
certain British people shows homogeneous fractions on yDna, which seems to
correlate with the strong own history, thus likely points also to certain homogeneity
of these population (Can we accept this by only looking analyses, not based on
our foreknowledge?). Also, the Bosnian
Croats and the Catalonians belonging to these edging groups sounds acceptable. A thousand dollars questions is whether all
Balkans belonging to the HG’s I2+I2a came from Bosnia, whether Brits, Scots and
Spaniards belonging to the Hg R1b came
from Wales, Basque country and Catalonia, or do we have other explanations. I think
that we have, it is genetic isolation and genetic drift of these populations.
Click here to see a big view.
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