lauantai 16. tammikuuta 2016

Does genetics prove the origin of IE-languages?

Continuing my previous testing method I tried to find out if it is possible to make any conclusion about where the IE-language family is from.   Did it come from east to Central Europe, from Middle East to South Europe or via another southern route?  To analyze it I made two tests, dividing at first the data between two major Bronze Age Central European cultures using Corded Ware and Bell Beaker samples.

It looks like there is nothing common between Central and South Europeans explaining the supposed linguistic root by Central European cultures.   Non-IE speakers, Basques and Finns, are placed between those two major IE-groups.  Because plotting the difference between Corded Ware and Bell Beaker samples looked however logical in a sense of place in geography I brought those groups together and used Anatolian Neolithic samples on the second axis, trying to reveal how the early farmer ancestry changes the picture.

The result broughtnot Central and South Europeans closer each other, but still the question remains:  if IE-languages wer brought to Central Europe via East Europe how we explain the lack of distinct Corded Ware and Bell Beaker drift ainfluence in the south? It looks more like we have in Central Europe a strong southern gene impact instead of any strong northern influence in the south.

Edit 20.1.16 10:15

Maybe it is not yet clear who are those Local and MostCW Finns.  At first they are on European, Eurasian and world level PCA plots almost in a same position,  there is no distinct trend separating them towards any other Europen or Asian populations.  Both groups act very similarly on PCA-plots constructed of present-day populations, but they clearly differ in wide genome tests and tests implying genetic drift, such as Dstat.

lauantai 9. tammikuuta 2016

Amerind and Asian like ancestries in Europe

Here is another test figuring a twofold admixture among Europeans.   The plot here figures Karitiana/Han similarity.  The method is equal than in my previous test and the result shows that Europeans have an increasing trend of either Amerind or Han similarity from the south to north, obviously in a reverse direction to the EEF ancestry.   The curve starts to bend from Estonians towards the East Asian reference, Hans.   It reaches parity between Karitiana and Han admixtures in Nenets.  The Finns are now almost in the same point, while the test fuguring ancient Anatolian and Bedouin admixtures among Finns showed clear-cut difference between two Finnish groups defined using Bronze Age Corded Ware samples.  My conclusion is that the origin of Finns is treefold including local Fennoscandinavian, Corded Ware-like and Circumppolar admixtures.  All three admixtures vary depending on the local history.


tiistai 5. tammikuuta 2016

Neolithic Anatolian or Middle Eastern

I am still busy with my new test environment and to make it ready would take at least two weeks.  To keep my blog alive I made a small comparison between Anatolian Neolithic and BedouinB samples.   The history of  Middle Eastern migrations to Europe is still mostly unmapped and to resolve it would need a lot more scanned ancient data, for example from the Roman Iron Age.   But something can be done just now.  My comparison is based on two dstat-analyses

dstat(<Europop>,Mbuti:Anatolian Neolithic,Chimp)



Anatolian Neolithic is on the Y-axis and BedouinB is on the x-axis.   The plot tells that Armenians, Ashkenazim, Georgians, East Sicilians, Sicilians, Cypriots and South Italians deviate from the common European line towards Bedouins.  Spaniards, Basques and Sardinians deviate to the opposite direction.  What is remarkable is that Ashkenazim seem to own less Neolithic Anatolian and Bedouin admixtures than many South Europeans.*   Maybe they have more complex European admixture than South Europeans?

The Finns are split into two groups on the grounds of Corded Ware ancestry.   My older bifurcation was based on non-European admixtures and it was arbitrary in respect of the known history. 

* My fault, only Armenians and Georgians have more BedouinB than Ashkenazim,  Cypriots have it equally.

Some ancestral changes in Iron Age Estonia

QpAdm was designed to detect admixtures giving also probability and standard error statistics.  Two kind of parameters are inputted: admixtu...