dstat(<Europop>,Mbuti:Anatolian Neolithic,Chimp)
Anatolian Neolithic is on the Y-axis and BedouinB is on the x-axis. The plot tells that Armenians, Ashkenazim, Georgians, East Sicilians, Sicilians, Cypriots and South Italians deviate from the common European line towards Bedouins. Spaniards, Basques and Sardinians deviate to the opposite direction. What is remarkable is that Ashkenazim seem to own less Neolithic Anatolian
The Finns are split into two groups on the grounds of Corded Ware ancestry. My older bifurcation was based on non-European admixtures and it was arbitrary in respect of the known history.
* My fault, only Armenians and Georgians have more BedouinB than Ashkenazim, Cypriots have it equally.
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