lauantai 29. joulukuuta 2018

False correlation between yDna N1c1 and Asian admixture in Finland and Baltic area

Time and again I see people making conclusions between Finnish N1c1 and eastern admixture.   Regardless of the eastern origin of N1c there is not such correlation in Finland.  The reality is even worse for those who cherish this fallacy; if we count also Baltic countries the correlation turns out to be negative.  In Finland alone all male haplogroups have equal level Asian admixture and the only difference comes from the locality, not from the male haplogroup.  Rational person would conclude that the Asian admixture is from a local source.   This is a no-brainer and I don't even need to prove it.  Everyone being familiar with this matter knows it, but it doesn't prevent the biggest Finnish newspaper distributing this urban myth.   Google translation, click here.  

Epilogue.  The fallacy of the eastern origin of Finns results from many things.  I am not interested in other opinions than those bothering Finnish people and researchers, because I don't care much about "public opinions" without scientific basis.  A common idea in Finland, believing in different Finnish origins (Lappeenranta-Vaasa or whatever axis) driven by Finnish "race realists" who inherited opinions from the old Swedish school, is that here in Finland have lived two "races".  Now some Finnish scientists have agreed this and detached themselves from known historic facts.

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