QpAdm results are made using distant ancestral references (the right-file) to get best possible coverage. While these results are very reasonable, it is possible to fine-tune all results by using carefully selected less distant references. So these results are directional.
All Finnish groups are from the 1000-genomes project and cover full 1MSNP's, as well as all other groups on the second and third plots. I have seen in my work that testing ancient and modern samples calls for equal coverage of all modern sample groups.
What kind of Fennoscandinavian was the RISE174/Scania_IA? Definitely she was not like a present-day Swede, we can see it in following f3-result below and on PCA-plots.
Next here is a simple PCA-plot, somewhat imperfect one and flat due to a high amount of Asian influence and too few European samples. This plot shows a new Finnish group, Finnx, and binds it to the Finnish ancestry. Finnx forms an ordinary Finnish group with less present-day Swedish admixture than typical Southwest Finns, but also less genetic drift than typical East Finns.
F3-test showing common genetic drift with Scania_IA:
First some European groups in a demonstrative purpose.
South Italians
Chisq and tail prob: 0.436 0.932651
Populations: Beaker_Central_Europe, Iran_LN, Levant_BA
best coefficients: 0.299 0.169 0.531
Jackknife mean: 0.299685849 0.169473438 0.530840713
std. errors: 0.028 0.032 0.033
North Italians
Chisq and tail prob: 1.738 0.628609
Populations: Beaker_Central_Europe, Levant_BA, Iran_LN
best coefficients: 0.542 0.416 0.042
Jackknife mean: 0.542422483 0.415568791 0.042008725
std. errors: 0.019 0.020 0.020
Chisq and tail prob: 1.789 0.774528
Populations: Beaker_Central_Europe, Iberia_EN
best coefficients: 0.578 0.422
Jackknife mean: 0.579234989 0.420765011
std. errors: 0.030 0.030
Chisq and tail prob: 1.101 0.77684
Populations: Scania_IA, Latvia_MN, Evenk
best coefficients: 0.920 0.092 -0.012
Jackknife mean: 0.918423990 0.093588254 -0.012012243
std. errors: 0.042 0.042 0.016
Chisq and tail prob: 1.699 0.790857
Populations: Poltavka, Germany_MN
best coefficients: 0.502 0.498
Jackknife mean: 0.502425062 0.497574938
std. errors: 0.039 0.039
Chisq and tail prob: 0.642 0.886697
Populations: Scania_IA, Latvia_MN, Evenk
best coefficients: 0.933 0.052 0.015
Jackknife mean: 0.931374297 0.053427705 0.015197998
std. errors: 0.039 0.038 0.015
Chisq and tail prob: 0.503 0.973198
Populations: Sarmatian, Scania_IA
best coefficients: 0.472 0.528
Jackknife mean: 0.475543261 0.524456739
std. errors: 0.079 0.079
Chisq and tail prob: 1.003 0.9093
Populations: Latvia_LN, England_N
best coefficients: 0.523 0.477
Jackknife mean: 0.520472837 0.479527163
std. errors: 0.052 0.052
Chisq and tail prob: 1.647 0.648853
Populations: Scania_IA, Latvia_MN, Evenk
best coefficients: 0.851 0.084 0.065
Jackknife mean: 0.849474735 0.085348593 0.065176672
std. errors: 0.037 0.036 0.014
Some "what if" analyses:
What if Mordvas are Polish
Chisq and tail prob: 11.941 0.0177937
Populations: Poltavka, Germany_MN
best coefficients: 0.727 0.273
Jackknife mean: 0.724786064 0.275213936
std. errors: 0.047 0.047
What if Latvians are Polish
Chisq and tail prob: 9.038 0.0601576
Populations: Poltavka, Germany_MN
best coefficients: 0.563 0.437
Jackknife mean: 0.562264229 0.437735771
std. errors: 0.049 0.049
What if Finnx's are Mordva
Chisq and tail prob: 4.728 0.316351
Populations: Sarmatian, Scania_IA
best coefficients: 0.369 0.631
Jackknife mean: 0.377367376 0.622632624
std. errors: 0.093 0.093
What if East Finns are Mordvas
Chisq and tail prob: 6.593 0.159
Populations: Sarmatian, Scania_IA
best coefficients: 0.317 0.683
Jackknife mean: 0.329388055 0.670611945
std. errors: 0.118 0.118
What if Swedes are Baltic
Chisq and tail prob: 1.867 0.867159
Population: Scania_IA, Latvia_MN, Evenk
best coefficients, Jackknife optimisation is negative, 1.000 0.000 -0.000
The results above show the continuum of Scania_IA from Southern Sweden to Russia, to the area where Mordvas live. Those populations living in eastern and western areas have however different admixtures, Mordvas lack Baltic middle-neolithic ancestry and show instead late East European Steppe -like admixture, Sarmatians suggesting incursions of the Iranian speakers. What is also remarkable is that the best Swedish result doesn't include Scania_IA. This doesn't mean that they have not Iron Age ancestry from Scania and in reality they are really close Scania_IA. It means only that present-day Swedes are slightly different, own later admixtures and lack of certain older Baltic admixtures.
nonih, nythän päästään lopultakin itse asiaan:)
VastaaPoistaHow similer is Scania IA to NLithuania IA (DA171)?
VastaaPoistaHave you tried this analysis with Bolshoy Oleni Ostrov N1c samples or with Estonian Iron Age N1c samples?:
The Estonian Iron Age N1c samples are not public yet, but some data has leaked:)
PoistaThey were quite homogenous and clearly Estonian/Balt like (and not Finnish-like never mind Mordovian or Saami or Bolshoy Oleni Ostrov). Medieval Estonians were more heterogenos as are modern ones, but Medieval ones maybe had less Finnish admixture than moderns.
Since Iron Age Finland was Saami-like it follows that Iron Age Estonians spread Finnic language to Finland and formed the modern Finnish genepool by assimilating a Saami substrate.
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