Earlier I used TMRCA (time to the most recent common ancestor) calculation in making PCA analyses of YDNA clades, the analysis is here. Now I use same method for grouping haplogroup N1c1. The data was gathered from the FamilyTreeDna's open project. TMRCA calculation give only estimations, but the result makes more sense because every cell in the TMRCA data is compared to every other cell. I used 67 markers to get largest possible data. Only a few Ftdna kits show less markers.
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Now I had only a few Altaic and Ugric samples. More those samples would make possible to see the distance between Altaic/Ugric and European groups. The result indicates three European groups: Baltic, Chuds and Finnish. Actually also West Chuds are Finnish, but as far as I know it is prehistorically shared with Estonians. The most distinct group is the Finnish one, implying local origin, despite of random distribution in North Scandinavia and Russia.
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The next picture shows what happen after removing Finnish clades (despite of the locations). West and East Chuds cluster together and North Balts come close on the y-axis. West-, East- and Central Balts cluster again. The root group includes all samples not belonging to any named clades, but doesn't indicate any specific branch.
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After removing also all Chuds the picture shows more details. We see that North Balts and Rurikids cluster together (with one classified Fennoscadinavian) and all Balts make another cluster.
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