lauantai 29. lokakuuta 2016

Project admixture results

While preparing my ancient haplotyping analyses I decided to test project members using Dna.Land's Ancestry program.  Many thanks to authors for distributing it.  All you need is to compile it and start your analyses,

All result are "as is" straight from the analyses.  Some comments

- Finns and Norwegians are easily identified.
- Swedes and Estonians (the latter ones don't belong to to my project) can't be confidently identified by the academic reference I have used in this and in my previous analyses.
- many Finns have minor Saami admixture.  This makes sense and Saami ancestry is the most likely source of the Finnish Siberian admixture.  In most cases we can forget Nganasans and other distant and small Siberian populations.  The minor Saami admixture among Finns is pervasive, not only pointing out Siberian ancestry, but to the complex history of ancient Fennoscandinavian, otherwise we would see in these results real Siberians also included into my tests (Nganasans, TunNenets, Nenets, Yakuts and numerous "semi-Siberians" from more southern North Asian regions.
- I didn't get weird "Finnish-South European" admixtures, seen on FamilyTreeDna and Dna.Land result pages.  This because my Finnish reference is built of average Finns, not of Finnish minority groups.
- the ambiguous Balto-Slavic admixture among Finns is mostly from Latvia, Lithuania or Russian Tver.  Russians living to the north from the Tver region are classified as "Northeast Europe", except Karelians and Veps who belong to Baltic-Finns with Estonians and Finns.   Saamis form their own group.
- the ambiguous Northwest European admixture among Finns is mostrly Swedish.
- the ambiguous European admixture is usually some combination of two above-mentioned groups.
- "Ambiguous" means that the result of several individual bootstrap tests was ambiguous, meaning high dispersion of results.   

Finland 63,9
Ambiguous Northeast-Europe 11,9
RU_Pinega 8,9
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 6,9
Ambiguous Europe 4,6
Iran_Jew 2,9

Finland 42,5
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 15,9
Karelia 9,7
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 9,5
Ambiguous Europe 8,3
Ambiguous Northeast-Europe 7,2
Ambiguous 3,8
Saami 3,1

Finland 69,2
Latvia 13,0
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 8,2
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 6,3
Saami 1,7
Ambiguous 1,4

Finland 51,8
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 22,7
RU_Smolensk 9,8
Ambiguous Northeast-Europe 7,1
RU_Pinega 4,7
Ambiguous Europe 3,6

Finland 52,4
Estonia 17,4
Karelia 15,3
Ireland 11,0
Saami 2,0
Ambiguous Europe 1,1

Finland 43,8
Karelia 12,3
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 11,7
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 10,2
Lithuania 9,5
Ambiguous Northeast-Europe 7,4
Ambiguous Europe 3,5
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 1,0

Finland 44,2
Karelia 27,9
Latvia 12,4
Ambiguous Europe 10,4
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 3,4
Ambiguous 1,6

Finland 66,5
Karelia 22,5
Ambiguous Europe 8,3
Saami 2,3

Finland 63,3
Karelia 23,2
Ambiguous Europe 8,1
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 2,8
Ambiguous 2,6

Finland 54,7
Karelia 17,0
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 15,9
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 5,8
Saami 3,5
Ambiguous Europe 3,1

Finland 84,3
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 8,0
TunNenets 4,2
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 3,5

Finland 63,6
Karelia 24,9
Ambiguous Europe 10,6

Finland 48,7
Saami 22,0
Karelia 12,2
Ambiguous 6,0
Nenets 4,0
Latvia 3,2
Ambiguous Europe 2,8
Ambiguous Siberian 1,0

Finland 72,9
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 16,0
Ambiguous Europe 6,6
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 3,3
Ambiguous 1,3

Finland 82,1
Ambiguous Europe 17,0

Finland 44,1
Estonia 26,5
Karelia 10,2
Ambiguous Europe 13,1
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 4,2
Ambiguous 1,9

Finland 32,7
Karelia 17,7
Estonia 15,2
Sweden 14,6
Tatar 7,0
Ambiguous Europe 6,5
RU_Pinega 5,5

Utah_CEU 18,4
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 18,2
Sweden 17,6
Belarussia 10,8
Welsh 8,2
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 8,1
Latvia 5,9
GermanyAustria 5,8
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 3,1
Ambiguous 2,9
Ambiguous Europe 1,1

Sweden 20,5
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 19,7
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 19,3
GermanyAustria 13,1
Ireland 11,3
Latvia 5,1
Ambiguous Central-Europe 4,8
Ambiguous Europe 4,6
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 1,5

Norway 20,0
Sweden 19,9
Veps 13,9
Kent 12,9
Orcadian 12,5
Ambiguous Europe 9,3
Ambiguous Central-Europe 7,0
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 2,3
Ambiguous Baltic-Finnic 2,0

Norway 17,9
France 17,5
Estonia 16,7
Finland 14,2
Utah_CEU 14,0
Ambiguous Europe 7,2
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 6,6
Scotland 5,6

Norway 53,0
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 24,3
Ambiguous Central-Europe 11,2
Ambiguous Europe 5,5
Veps 5,2

Utah_CEU 35,5
Finland 17,5
Ambiguous Northwest-Europe 14,2
Ambiguous Balto-Slavic 9,5
Veps 8,7
GermanyAustria 7,7
Ambiguous Northeast-Europe 4,3
Ambiguous 1,6
Ambiguous Europe 1,0

2 kommenttia:

  1. Hei
    Olisiko minulla mitään mahdollisuuksia päästä analysoitavaksi sinun laskurissasi? :-) Ei minussa varmaan mitään kovin erityistä ole: 75 prosenttia Sata-Hämettä ja loppu Keski-Suomea ja Etelä-Savoa. Sinun aiemmassa laskurissasi, jonka onnistuin itse ajamaan, tulokseni oli kovin lähellä omia tuloksiasi. Minun autosomaalinen data om peräisin 23andme:stä.

    1. Jos olet Muinainen Suomi foorumilla, niin lähetä minulle PM ja saat minulta sähköpostiosoitteen raw-datan lähetystä varten.


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