As I mentioned in my previos text, around 28% of Finnish men belong to a certain I1-clade named usually a Bothnian. The rest 72% consists mostly of N1c1 clades and the rest, below 10% belong mostly to different R haplogroups. The N1c1 splits roughly into two or three clades: eastern Karelian, eastern Savonian clades and southern Baltic and Finno-Baltic clades.
The history of Finnish I1 was pretty long unkown and was a target of speculations although many Finns being aware of the Finnish history were able to see more and understand the course of history, actually pretty well (on our Finnish forums treating the Finish history was a member calling himself Moses Leone. He stated 8 years ago that the Finnish I1 was older than usually supposed and bound to Iron Age migrations). What we know now more is based on new Y-chromosome related information. It shows us hidden history of male ancestral lines thousands years back. And what can we now say for sure based on the new information? It is the same as many hints have given for us to presume already years ago. So we don't know now more basics, we only can broaden our knowledge with new facts.
Keeping in mind the Finnish history, not only genetics but also archaeological and linguistic evidences (known already around 200-300 years) it is undeniable that the Bothnian group is closely related to a certain Central European clade, known by the ydna-mutation CTS2208. Out of touch of this mutation the relation can be confirmed also by STR-statistics. STR-statistics can give misleading information if used to explain a single individual result more than hundreds years back in time, but statistical results are still valid. The more we have high classified samples the more history can be plumbed.
I did the following test, you can do it too:
1. Dowload all I1-L22 (L22 is an upstream mutation for CTS2208, L22>Z74>CTS2208, look here ) from FamilyTreeDna's global I1-project. Data is available here
2. Select only samples with 67 markers or more
3. Select samples randomly from each L22-subclade to have almost equal amounts of samples in each subclade
4. Run the data using some TMRCA calculator, you can do it for example here
5. Run the generation table using some PCA- or MDS-software. PAST works fine on Windows, downloadable here. You can also make phylogenetic trees, if you wish.
Here are my results.
Blue - Bothnia, corresponds SNP mutation L258
Purple - "pre-Bothnia", mutation L287, negative for L258
Red - "prepre-Bothnia", "pre-Saxon", mutation CTS2208, negative for L287
Yellow - "preprepre-Bothnia mutation Z74, negative for CTS2208
Brown - L22-root, samples negative for all downstream mutations
Green - combined Scandinavian L22-clades
Clusters k3, k4 and k5:
edit 30.4.15
According to the manager of Finnish I1-project the kit 38676 could be CTS2208+, predicted by STR-results and the kit has not yet tested CTS2208. Assuming this being true we get following PCA-results. I also added kit numbers and countries for all CTS2208 results. If I dare to make some conclusions I would say that main Finnish I1-clades descend from a Scandinavian group which rose in Southern Scandinavia during the Bronze Age. Evaluating more the history I would say that some men migrated from Southern Scandinavia to Finland around 2000 years ago and perhaps later same Scandinavians migrated to England. English samples are overrepresented due to the US connection.
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