torstai 20. kesäkuuta 2019

Finnish ancestry, what we have now ...

is very little.  We really have almost nothing, but even so we can say something.  Actually I am on my summer idle, but will write occasionally.  I have hesitated to publish statistics using sample data released already a year ago by Damgaard et al. 2018, because I didn't want to disturb Finnish researchers who still prepared their own publications (maybe my writings wouldn't disturb -  felt that way anyhow).  But the situation have now changed after several dilettantes have been very active and have broken the silence.  Routinely using f3-statistics we can calculate drift similarity for present-day Finns and inhabitants in Iron Age Fennoscandinavian.  No matter the branch of science we always find out that present-day Finns lived in Finland during that time.  According to f3-statistics the sample closest present-day Finns was the sample named as Levaluhta (Levanluhta) outlier.  I probably will be back sooner or later with this topic, now only shortly:

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