sunnuntai 23. kesäkuuta 2019
Alder analysis dating problems
I have to retract my previous results. Results were wrong due to a wrong run parameter. Sorry, I will be soon back.
torstai 20. kesäkuuta 2019
Finnish ancestry, what we have now ...
is very little. We really have almost nothing, but even so we can say something. Actually I am on my summer idle, but will write occasionally. I have hesitated to publish statistics using sample data released already a year ago by Damgaard et al. 2018, because I didn't want to disturb Finnish researchers who still prepared their own publications (maybe my writings wouldn't disturb - felt that way anyhow). But the situation have now changed after several dilettantes have been very active and have broken the silence. Routinely using f3-statistics we can calculate drift similarity for present-day Finns and inhabitants in Iron Age Fennoscandinavian. No matter the branch of science we always find out that present-day Finns lived in Finland during that time. According to f3-statistics the sample closest present-day Finns was the sample named as Levaluhta (Levanluhta) outlier. I probably will be back sooner or later with this topic, now only shortly:
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Some ancestral changes in Iron Age Estonia
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