Lamnidis et al. 2018 preprint shows that all tested Uralic speakers except Hungarians show highest genetic drift with Nganasans. Maybe, but it is not a piece of cake to prove, because Nganasans actually act like a proxy population for all North and East Asians. Here is the original Dstat-table from the preprint
We see that Saamis, Finns, Russians (obviously North Russians) and Mordovians show positive drift with Nganasans. But if we compare Nganasans to Beijing Chinese we see that also Altaians, Bengalis, Mongolians and Hazaras have more drift with Nganasans than with Chinese people.
It is easy to find out the problem, we have serious problems in using such a small inbred population as a reference, for example Hazaras should have Mongolian ancestry, but statistics shows more Nganasan than Mongolian drift.
Lithuanian Hazara Mongola Mbuti -0.0618 -21.006 50384 57016 890006
Lithuanian Hazara Ngan Mbuti -0.0624 -17.118 50494 57211 890006
Nevertheless, in my opinion the Asian admixture in Finland is North Asian, but wrong conclusions are always possible when we have more that two variables.
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VastaaPoistaThis is a limitation of the method, sometimes results are "excessive".
VastaaPoistaf4 Lithuanian Mordva Tatar Mbuti would show Lithuanians with Tatar admixture though it's really Mordvas that have it according to GLOBETROTTER
As well as my Rare Allele test shows that Mordvas share common alleles with Tatars on the East Asian cline and Finns share different rare alleles with Saami people. My test doesn't give answer to the question about Asian admixture in Saamis, but definitely it shows that Finns, Ingrians, Karelians and Veps lack of rare eastern alleles seen in Mordvas and Mordvas lack of rare Saami alleles.
Unfortunately, conversely to the Lamnidis et al., we can't make a conclusion about the common North Asian ancestry of all Uralic speakers.