tiistai 24. huhtikuuta 2018

The naked truth about Dstat and Nganasan ancestry in Europe, updated

Maybe you are already bored of this issue, but I have to return to it, because it is so crazy and studies still use Nganasans to prove historical events in Europe.  It is also important to correct false conclusions.

In following tests I compare Nganasans, Native Americans, Europeans and some Asian populations and I prove that tests using Dstat and Nganasans are the craziest folly I have seen in population genetics.    My results imply that Nganasans went through a genetic drift during thousands years losing almost all ANE (Ancient North Eurasian) ancestry.  ANE is commonly found everywhere in Western and Northern Eurasian  and Native American people.   It is possible that they later got some genes from early Uralic speakers and albeit of the all  homogeneity they show in simplified comparisons the latest admixture event they have.

Update 26.4.18 10:20

After testing all available Siberians and their ANE/ENA ratios I found that actually Ket-people share highest drift with Finns, much more than Nganasans.  What probably is misleading people with Nganasans is that when comparing to other Siberians, the Finns share proportionally more drift with Nganasans than for example Lithuanians.  Still Lithuanians share more drift with Ket people than Finns with Nganasans.   My reckoning about this is that we (Finns) have received two Siberian migrations, the first one occurred when the Uralic language was brought to the Baltic Sea region and the second one via northeastern route and was forwarded by Saami people.

sunnuntai 15. huhtikuuta 2018

Is the Nganasan ancestry of Uralic speakers proven?

Lamnidis et al. 2018 preprint shows that all tested Uralic speakers except Hungarians show highest genetic drift with Nganasans.  Maybe, but it is not a piece of cake to prove, because Nganasans actually act like a proxy population for all North and East Asians.   Here is the original Dstat-table from the preprint

We see that Saamis, Finns, Russians (obviously North Russians) and Mordovians show positive drift with Nganasans.   But if we compare Nganasans to Beijing Chinese we see that also Altaians, Bengalis, Mongolians and Hazaras have more drift with Nganasans than with Chinese people. 

It is easy to find out the problem,  we have serious problems in using such a small inbred population as a reference, for example Hazaras should have Mongolian ancestry, but statistics  shows more Nganasan than Mongolian drift.

 Lithuanian     Hazara    Mongola      Mbuti     -0.0618   -21.006  50384  57016 890006
 Lithuanian     Hazara    Ngan           Mbuti     -0.0624   -17.118  50494  57211 890006

Nevertheless, in my opinion the Asian admixture in Finland is North Asian, but wrong conclusions are always possible when we have more that two variables.

Some ancestral changes in Iron Age Estonia

QpAdm was designed to detect admixtures giving also probability and standard error statistics.  Two kind of parameters are inputted: admixtu...