tiistai 20. joulukuuta 2016

New data gives 11 million SNP's

Thanks for latest updates of free gene banks and hard work of several projects I have now been able to increase the SNP number to 11 millions per sample.  Increased amount of SNP's means increased accuracy whether I use all SNP's (especially in drift analyses)  or after pruning ld.  In my new data base I have combined samples from three sources:  the 1000 genomes project, Estonian Biocentre samples used by Pagani eta al. 3026 and Simons Genome Diversity Project (SGDP).  For the present the sample size is only 866.

Here, as a showcase of the new data two PCA prints and some comments.  Instead of making a central continental European picture I included four outgroups to see the effect.  Those outgroups are Armenians, Mongolians, Sardinians and Saamis.   For the present individual names are picked straight from original sources and can be somewhat ambiguous.

As we can see we have several clusters, which makes possible to evaluate the data.  For example Scandinavians of SGDP and Pagani et al. cluster with East Europeans.

Personally I don't give much attention to PCA-figures, because the result depends on the selected samples, amounts, ratios between populations sizes, about how mixed are individuals etc.  My upcoming high resolution tests will be much more interesting.

Added time 12:50

If someone is interested in how Mordvas locate on this map.  They are very similar to North Russians and RusKU (Pagani et al.) and move towards Mongolians. Baltic Finns moves towards Saamis.  Sorry, GIMP makes something unwanted with colors.