Giving basic information I have run several Treemix-graphics to show basic information how European populations are related by genetic drift. The give a big view it is necessary to look things from different angles changing the root population. Every different root arrangement reveals something, the big picture is to be composed in readers' minds.
Have a fun with following results!
It's just me and my browser or are the admixture axes missing in all graphs?
VastaaPoistaDo you mean migrations routes? There are no migration routes because I didn't use them. My strategy was a bit different, because allowing many migrations will often generate confusing results and using one or two gives an incomplete picture of relationshios between populations. So I changed the root varying it from one population to another to give a more exact picture of drift parameters from different points in Europe and Asia. Following drift parameter from various angles one can see more details and exact infiormation which would be hidden using only migration routes.
VastaaPoistaOK, I see what you did. I did not understand that earlier, sorry.
PoistaMy interpretation is.....
VastaaPoistaThese groups have recent common ancestry.
Finn-Urgics: Estonian, SouthWest Finland, Veps.
Balto-Slavs: Lithuanian, Russia_Smolenk, BeloRussia, Poland
Italy: Sardinia, North Italy.
Iberia: Spain, Basque.
I think it might be revealing common ancestry among Balto-Slavs and Finno-Urgics. It makes sense there's been common ancestry, especially in Lithuania, Russia, and Finland.
With other methods Finns, Estonians, Veps, look like Eastern European IEs with Siberian ancestry. They might have a lot of Indo European ancestry or a similar makeup because they're from the same region.
Kent, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, and Ireland are kind of on their own. They cluster closer with Finno-Urgics and Balto-Slavs than with Iberia or Italy.
The Finno-Ugric branch containing Veps, Estonians and Finns in these trees is specifically a Baltic-Finnic branch. Other Finno-Ugrics like Mari or Mordvas do not show affinity to them, though the Mordvas are similar to Balto-Slavs. Even their "siberian" seems to not come from the same source (see link, Nenets are one of the most ANE-influenced Siberian groups alongside Kets and Selkups and a likely proxy for some pre-Uralic West Siberian group in the Arctic coast).
The difference is also noted in this study:
It might be accurate to say that Estonians, Veps, Finns and Pinega Russians (but not other Russians, even ones from Kargopol) form a branch. Even then there are differences that would show with a different tree.
What I did here includes a lot self-evident and perhaps the biggest reason to do these tests was to see everything working properly before starting with ancient samples.
VastaaPoistaActually I don't believe that Finns, Veps and other people around Baltic Sea has a lot Indo European ancestry, but they sure have European ancestry. Many European groups shifted language during the Bronze Age or even later. Indo European and Finno Ugric languages are newcomers in Europe.