lauantai 6. kesäkuuta 2015

Albania and Sardinia, best remains of Early European Neolithic Era

I have opposed ideas calling Neolithic Europeans Near Easterners, because all my analyses show significant later Near Eastern admixture in Mediterranean region, clearly differing from ancient Neolithic farmer genes.  This implied at least equal genetic change in Near East than in Europe from the Neolithic Era to the present.  How can we call European Neolithic farmers Near Easterners if European Neolithic samples are closer modern European than modern Near Easterners?   Really, my analyses prove this.  Closest European for ancient Neolithic farmers are Albanians and Sardinians.  Albanian yDna E is one of the highest in Europe, after Kosovo, which can predict same thing.  Unfortunately Kosovo samples are not available.   It is very possible that European Neolithic farmers came from Near East through Anatolia, but we have not yet genetic evidences proving it and the process was probably much more complex than a simple migration to Europe from what we now understand as Near East.

My analysis consists of following steps:

1 pre-selection of  data (Haak et al. 2015)
2 running PCA to find out European Neolithic genetic cluster based on ancient samples of highest quality
3 running new PCA and Fst-figures to see genetic distance

This is a very simple procedure and I know well that Fst-distances obtained using ancient genomes are not comparable to distances between modern populations due to lower scanning quality, but  I don’t even try do it, I only compare ancient data to modern one, so possible quality problems doesn’t exist in same extent.

Please notice also many Jewish groups I included now into my data. 

PCA, click here to expand.

Fst-distances of Early Neolithic farmers, click here.

Fst-distances of Bedouins (BedouinB, used as a Near Eastern proxy by Haak), click here.