This is really big news because we probably can in nearest future understand much better the origin of present-day Europeans, thanks for new ancient East European samples. It is also sure that speculative flames will now go high, but I am not going to take a stance on this before I have the new data, especially regarding new Yamna culture samples. The reason to wait is that Haak et al. obviously uses same small and unclassified Finnish sample set than Lazaridis 2014 et al. Anyway, here is the link, Haak et al.
I am also running a big European wide analysis using Chromopainter and Finestucture in linked mode. It will be ready after two weeks or so. Link to the software:
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I look forward to seeing analysis of the 69 new ancient Euro genomes done by you, Eurogenes, and others. You guys will probably reveal more than Haak 2015 did.
VastaaPoistaWhy do you think Finnish are so similar to Indo European speaking northern Europeans and Yamna? I tend to think it's because Yamna(and therefore Euro IEs) had common ancient east European origins as Finno-Urgics.
I tend to think Samara Yamna were most similar to modern non-Slavic inhabitants of the Volga region. What do you think?
Krefter, it is still a bit mystery why the Yamna similarity is so high among Finns, especially due to lacking similarity of Y-Dna. It is also strange that the Fst-distance between Yamna people and Finns would be rather small. Haak didn't give it due to used too few Finnish samples and obviously weak statistic accuracy. But if I get those samples I will run Fst-statistics for all Europeans and high quality ancient genomes. And of course PCA-plots and other statistics. Now I prefer those done by MixMapper or similar softwares instead of F3-statistics, because they give you resnorm indicating mismatch of shown admixture. Usually admixture softwares miss it and show only valid proportions. F3-stats tend to fail with populations showing genetic drift. F4-statistics would be better, but need more brainwork to create something sensible :)
VastaaPoistaThe similarity between Finns and northern IE-speaking people is due to the common European hunter-gatherer past. The difference is due to the southern farmer ancestry and the differating Northeast-European (mostly Finno-Ugric) and North Asian ancestry. I think that we know the common core information, but details are still under debate.