Saag et al. 2019 introduced new ancient East Baltic samples. I made a short F3-analysis adding some older samples from the Baltic area for a comparison. The base line consisted of five present-day populations: Southwestern Finns, Mordvas, Norwegians, Poles and Russians from Pskov. I didn't want to use modern Balts because they have proved to be unreliable in all f3- and d-statistic, giving high common genetic drift from the westernmost Europe to Ural mountains. Russians from Pskov do the trick representing much better the Baltic locality. Balts of course are the most local people, but unfortunately our software toolbox fails with them. Obviously this has something to do with the high homozygosity and low mixing rate. So here is the result. You need to read the original study to interpret sample abbreviations. In evaluating results it is good to observe that Finns and Mordvas have a Siberian admixture (3-7%) which displaces other ancestral parts and cuts off genetic drift from other ancestral sources. Accordingly f3- and d-analyses are not able to answer to the questions "where did they come from", the fact that many of us dismiss.
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